International Folklore Festival
CIOFF® Pilsen

June 5 - 9. 2024

Mezinárodní folklorní festival CIOFF® Plzeň
Internationales Folklorefestival CIOFF® Pilsen
Festival de Folclore Internacional CIOFF® de Pilsen


In 2007, the children art contest "From Czech Folklore Traditions" was launched for the first time as a part of the festival. Since then the children and teenagers from kinder gardens, elementary schools and elementary art schools regularly participate in this competition. The contest is not only for children from the Czech Republic, for example children from the Polish city of Kielce are regular contestants too. The topics of the individual years of the children art contest were based on various folklore traditions - "Paint a Folklore Musician / Dancer / Custom", "Folk Dance", "Paint a Song" etc. Moreover, in 2007, for the first time the Folklore Evening took place the village Cizice near Pilsen. The cooperation then continued until 2011.

Mezinárodní rada organizací folklórních festivalů a lidových umění CIOFF

The festival is a regular member of the International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts CIOFF.

Main partners of the festival

Kulturní Plzeň  Ministerstvo kultury Nadace 700 let města Plzně Hotely IbisBohemia sekt

Main media partner

Český rozhlas Plzeň