International Folklore Festival
CIOFF® Pilsen

June 5 - 9. 2024

Mezinárodní folklorní festival CIOFF® Plzeň
Internationales Folklorefestival CIOFF® Pilsen
Festival de Folclore Internacional CIOFF® de Pilsen

Festival Venues Location

Do you want to know where you can see the festival performers and where the stages are located? In this map you will find the exact locations of all the festival stages where this year’s International Folklore Festival CIOFF® Pilsen will take place.

Festival stages in Pilsen:

Stage "U Branky", Smetanovy sady (city centre)- Main festival stage
Stage "U Matoušů", Selský dvůr U Matoušů (Plzeň - Bolevec)

Stage "Doubravecké folklorní odpoledne", Habrmannovo náměstí (Plzeň - Doubravka)


Festival stages in the wider area of the city of Pilsen:

Stage of the Folklore Evening in Konstantinovy Lázně  – Konstantinovy Lázně – in the amphitheatre within the spa park area (in case of rainy weather the stage will be moved to the Prusík Spa House)

Stage "Plaské folklorní zastavení", Plasy – Kulturní dům v Plasích (Cultural center in Plasy)

Other locations:

 Accommodation of all festival participants, Hotel IBIS

Mezinárodní rada organizací folklórních festivalů a lidových umění CIOFF

The festival is a regular member of the International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts CIOFF.

Main partners of the festival

Kulturní Plzeň  Ministerstvo kultury Nadace 700 let města Plzně Hotely IbisBohemia sekt

Main media partner

Český rozhlas Plzeň