2001 - NEW FESTIVAL VENUES Dysina - Horni Briza – Nebilovy
The program of the International Folklore Festival Pilsen expanded also outside the city of Pilsen and the cooperation of the festival organizers with several nearby villages was started – Dysina, Horni Briza and Nebilovy (one event).
- Dysina Folklore Festival (2001 - 2003)
- International Folklore Afternoon in Horni Briza (2001 and 2002)
(in cooperation with the folklore ensemble Usmev)
- Festive consecration of the St. Antonin Chapel in Nebilovy
(with participation of the Slovacky Ensemble from Kyjov).
Participants of the 5th IFF Pilsen 2001
Pilsen ensembles
- Jiskra
- Jiskra 58 SOKOL Valcha Plzeň
- Jiskřička
- Meteláček a Malý Meteláček
- Mladinečka
- Mladinka a Mladinečka
Other Czech ensembles
- Chodský soubor z Mrákova
- Lidová muzika z Chrástu
- Rokytička
- Slovácký soubor
- Slováček
- Stodský dudáček
- Valašský Vojvoda
- Úslaváček
Foreign ensembles
The festival is a regular member of the International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts CIOFF.