International Folklore Festival
CIOFF® Pilsen

June 11. - 15. 2025

Mezinárodní folklorní festival CIOFF® Plzeň
Internationales Folklorefestival CIOFF® Pilsen
Festival de Folclore Internacional CIOFF® de Pilsen


With an increasing number of festival stages the organizers of the festival began to consider more and more the composition of the individual festival programmes and tried to reach the widest possible number of festival visitors. It was more than obvious that one of the biggest attractions of the festival programme were the foreign exotic ensembles arriving to Pilsen often from very distant places in the world. Already in 2001, the Pilsen audience applauded enthusiastically the Egyptian ensemble and just one year later, the audience was literally lifted from their seats by dancers from Ecuador. In that way, the decision was made - despite the difficulties connected to securing participation of those foreign ensembles, the programme presenting exotic and distant cultures will from now on become a solid part of the Pilsen International Folklore Festival in the future.

Mezinárodní rada organizací folklórních festivalů a lidových umění CIOFF

The festival is a regular member of the International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts CIOFF.

Main partners of the festival

Kulturní Plzeň  Ministerstvo kultury Nadace 700 let města Plzně Hotely IbisBohemia sekt

Main media partner

Český rozhlas Plzeň