International Folklore Festival
CIOFF® Pilsen

June 11. - 15. 2025

Mezinárodní folklorní festival CIOFF® Plzeň
Internationales Folklorefestival CIOFF® Pilsen
Festival de Folclore Internacional CIOFF® de Pilsen

Sdružení Čechů z Banátských karpat

Cheb, Česká republika
Festival years: 2024

The Association of Czechs from the Banat Carpathians was founded out of the internal needs of people who settled in the Czech Republic between 1947 and 1949 and those who returned to the "old homeland" after 1989. The association was founded in 1998 by Alois Křivánek and František Hruza. Since the first national meeting, the association has been active in the Czech Republic and currently has 205 active members. However, it has many more friends and sympathizers. The aim of the association is, among other things, to collect historical materials and present the life and culture of the Banat Czechs and to cooperate in the creation of friendly Czech-Romanian relations, especially on the cultural side. 

President of the association: Josef Bouda

Mezinárodní rada organizací folklórních festivalů a lidových umění CIOFF

The festival is a regular member of the International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts CIOFF.

Main partners of the festival

Kulturní Plzeň  Ministerstvo kultury Nadace 700 let města Plzně Hotely IbisBohemia sekt

Main media partner

Český rozhlas Plzeň