International Folklore Festival
CIOFF® Pilsen

June 11. - 15. 2025

Mezinárodní folklorní festival CIOFF® Plzeň
Internationales Folklorefestival CIOFF® Pilsen
Festival de Folclore Internacional CIOFF® de Pilsen


Rokycany, Česká republika
Festival years: 2000, 2019, 2023

The folklore group in Rokycany was founded in 1967 by Bozena Auterská. The current Rokytka consists of more than 150 dancers and 40 musicians in four dance and three music groups. This dance group was founded in 2001 as a children';s dance group Sluníčko, and since 2016 this generation of groups has been performing under the name Rokytí. The current generation consists of 20 dancers between the ages of 18 and 27. Rokytí deals with the stage stylization of ethnographic materials, songs, dances and idioms from southwestern Bohemia and the Rokycan region. They regularly perform at prestigious festivals in the Czech Republic and abroad.

Ensemble leaders: Zdeněk Vejvoda, Jana Frühaufová, Jakub Frühauf and Simona Hudecová

Mezinárodní rada organizací folklórních festivalů a lidových umění CIOFF

The festival is a regular member of the International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts CIOFF.

Main partners of the festival

Kulturní Plzeň  Ministerstvo kultury Nadace 700 let města Plzně Hotely IbisBohemia sekt

Main media partner

Český rozhlas Plzeň